An interplay between 4 strong artists, all of which play a significant role in the Danish art world. All are trained at the Royal Academy in Copenhagen and had many important exhibitions. This exhibition last until Feb. 8.
Address: Lærkevej 25, 6862 Tistrup
Janus building is located 20 km north of Varde and 10 km south of Ølgod on road 12th

The lonely sculptor The officials The author painting next room Søren Ankarfeldt
Five roles for a sculptor:
The two potters. On the relief you can see that horse man with his hoof can only make pots, cat woman can with its claws sculpting figures for the jars handle.
The tragic author, the epic writer, adventure narrator and the comic writer, they are surrounded by two sea creatures
Rebel. On a roof sits a cat with a light banana, a torch of freedom in his raised hand.
The lonely sculptor, conceptual sculptor (wu-wei), social sculptor and the sculptor’s daughter, they are surrounded by a cabbage field and two lemmings
The officials, like the old Chinese mandarins, I experience being a teacher, to help others, as a kind of civil servant, in ancient Chinese philosophy had been a concept, Wu-wei – no action that could affect with a minimum of interference.