Paradise in Kortedala” executed for Beväringsgatan Kindergarten at Beväringsgatan 3, Kortedala consists of two benches. Each bench has three hard-fired stoneware sculptures in the form of animal figures with oak planks between the sculptures. One bench is north of the house and the animals are found in the forest.
The second bench is southeast of the house, and the animals are in a garden environment. The northern bench is located on the slope adjacent to the forest
The southern bench is on the grass area south of the planters at the entrance to the nursery.

Bench with concrete sculptures for the Kornmod school in Silkeborg. Created for the 40th anniversary of the school. The sculptures, a sitting horse (90 cm) and a cat (25 cm), are cast in dry cast concrete (concrete with a low content of water) which gives a surface resembling sandstone. The sculpture was completed in the spring of 2000.